
Diploma in Male Tantric Treatments

The Diploma in Male Tantra Treatments training course assumes no previous experience in tantra and welcomes both men and women to experience a sensual, spiritual and physical therapy for men. The Diploma training gives students a greater satisfaction and sense of peace and love in their own lives, and can also be used to practice and demonstrate the power of tantra for others' well-being.

The modules are split into education and practice of your own body's spiritual and physical elements, followed by tantric practice that combines these elements, so you will be leading men into activities such as massage, intimacy and profound sensual connection.

Spiritual Awareness:

Physical Awareness:

Profound Intimate Connection with Other Men:

This provides over 220 hours of training, with an average cost that is under £40 an hour. These hours of practice will give you the confidence, knowledge and ability to massage and practice tantra alone and with others, heightening personal intimacy, sexual arousal, and spiritual awareness and changing your life forever!

Learning at Man On The Couch's suite in Southampton offers personal training benefits to suit you. The warm, homely, and relaxing environment here allows you to learn tantra together with the experience and knowledge of a fully qualified massage, tantric and holistic therapist, Steve. You can work at your own pace, and around your own schedules, with flexible training dates and times to suit you - you can choose to complete the training in a day, or over a number of smaller sessions, as your schedule allows.

On enrolling, you should be prepared to dedicate your time to:

  • Online coursework of the body's chakras, muscles, bones, male tantric areas, and tantric concepts - all downloadable and available at your own time, and pace.
  • A quiz and examination practice at the end of theoretical modules.
  • Over 150 hours of giving and receiving, practicing tantric movements, chanting, breathing, meditations, and loving rituals, either on each other, models, or Steve.

You will receive:

  • Practical experience with a wide variety of male models.
  • Tuition from an experienced qualified therapist and trainer, Steve.
  • All booklets in courses relating to Anatomy and Physiology, Chakras, Reflexology, Reiki, Tantric Practice, Sensual Massage, Tantric Massage, Yoga Touch Massage, Marma Chikitsa, Orgasms and Meditations.
  • 500ml of massage oil, 50 tealights, and 16 incense sticks for you to practice at home.
  • Your own personal development, helping individual men within a treatment, and leading groups of men in tantric practice.
  • Man On The Couch Diploma in Male Tantric Treatments Certificate.

Your Options

Item Time Price
Diploma in Male Tantra (all Modules) 206 hours £8,550
Spiritual Awareness in Male Tantra (Module 1) 58.5 hours £2,175
Physical Awareness in Male Tantra (Module 2) 74 hours £2,925
Profound Intimate Connection in Male Tantra (Module 3) 85.5 hours £3,450
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